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Diaspora Day 2018

by Tesla 0 Comments
Diaspora Day 2018

Join us on Diaspora Day!

Take part in panel discussions, see the exhibit

Diaspora Day is a program established in 2016 by renowned organizations from the diaspora and Serbian academic community, which was extended to Serbian communities in the region.

Diaspora Day is attended by representatives of the motherland and the diaspora, students and pupils from the diaspora, the region and Serbia, organizations from the diaspora, ambassadors, the highest-ranking representatives of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) and Serbian universities. 

Save the date:
July 7th, 2018!

Topics set for Diaspora Day 2018:

  • Relations between the motherland and the diaspora
  • How to improve relations between the motherland and the diaspora?
  • What problems are preventing good relations at the moment and what are the solutions?
  • What can be changed in order for problems not to be repeated?
  • The diaspora and the politics of return
  • Conditions that would attract our scientists, artists, businessmen and others from the diaspora to return to the country.
  • Board consisting of scientists and artists from the diaspora
  • Experiences of those who returned – examples of good and bad practice
  • Those who come back and those who leave: how to prevent brain drain from Serbia?
  • The diaspora and improvement in academic work and Serbian higher education

During Diaspora Day, a final document containing propositions to the representatives of the diaspora and motherland regarding the issues discussed will be formulated.

Join us in making conclusions and defining actions to be taken. Also, the closing ceremony and a cocktail party will be organized at the end of Diaspora Day.

This year’s official program will be followed by an exhibition of books thus promoting artists from the diaspora.

The program of Diaspora Day will be timely published at the following websites: Diaspora Day, Tesla Science Foundation and Singidunum University 

Organizers: Singidunum University and Tesla Science Foundation USA , Tesla Science Foundation Serbia with the support of Studenica Foundation USASerb National FederationSerbian Cultural and Educational Society “Prosvjeta” AustriaOrganization of Serbian Students AbroadSerbian Heritage Foundation (“Matica iseljenika”)the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) and others who have supported the program.


by Tesla

Драги пријатељи и сарадници Фондације “Лаза Костић”,
парохијани и поштоваоци Вазнесењске цркве у београдском насељу Жарково
По традицији, за св. Јована Шангајског, заштитника и славу младих Лазиних амбасадора, у велелепно живописаној кошници хришћана приређујемо својеврсни ДУХОВНИ АПИКОМПЛЕКСјединствен и необичан спој
духовности, науке и уметности.
Ове године, на захтев бројних парохијана, предавање  ДУХОВНИ ЛИК НИКОЛЕ ТЕСЛЕ, који је о. Оливер Суботић премијерно, симболично изнео у Матици српској, затим у Зајечару, Бостону и Солуну, тема која оживљава лик српског генија, пријатеља и духовног сабрата Лазе Костића,  привлачи заинтересоване госте из свих крајева
 не само Србије, него и Америке!
Са задовољством поздрављамо господина Николу Лончара, оснивача и председника Научне фондације “Тесла” из Филаделфије, као и  представнике чланова шире Теслине породице, који ће својим присуством увеличати наше окупљање.
Величанствен  програм уметника са Академије уметности у Новом Саду  неће бити испод нивоа излагања централног беседника. Изванредан сопран Памела Киш Игњатов уз дирљиву и моћну интерпретацију моноопере “Ишчекивање”, са необичним музичким ансамблом састављеним од два професионална музичара и два лекара (гинеколог – виолиста и будући психијатар – челиста), замољена је да заокружи вече и једном светском премијером – песмом изврсног младог композитора Љубомира Николића,  за ову прилику компонованом на текст славне  Десанке Максимовић – Јутарња песма пчела , као симбол неуморног, истрајног и сложног рада који резултира медоносном бербом.
Захваљујући Tesla.Talk TV USA, не само да ће грађани Америке бити присутни у Жаркову, него и Жарково у Америци.
Радујемо се сусрету са вама!
У име Фондације “Лаза Костић”
Марина Мииић Радовић


by Tesla

7. jул 2018. / 11:00-15:30 часова

Булевар Пека Дапчевића (ул. Кумодрашка 261а), 11000 Београд, Србија, Универзитет Сингидунум



10:30 – 11: 00     Регистрација учесника


Програм Дана Дијаспоре прати Изложба књига о дијаспори

и представљање радова примењених уметника


11:00 – 12:30      Свечано отварање и Генерална сесија: Везе матице и дијаспоре (сала 047)


  • проф. др Милован Станишић, председник Универзитета Сингидунум: Уводнa реч


  • Мирослав Мајкл Ђорђевић, председник Задужбине Студеница (Studenica Foundation) Сан Франциско САД: Србија и дијаспора: како даље?


  • Академик Зоран Радовић, Српска Академија Наука и Уметности: Научна и уметничка дијаспора и политика повратка.


  • проф. др Марина Хјусон, Мађарска, Србија:

Да ли бисте емигрирали из Србије? – приказ научног истраживања.


  • Владан Вукосављевић, министар културе и информација Републике Србије: Језик, култура и дијаспора.


  • Зоран Ђорђевић, министар рада запошљавања и социјалне политике: Политика запошљавања и дијаспора.


  • Марко Миленковић, Државни секретар, Министарство просвете, науке и технолошког развоја


  • Никола Лончар, председник Тесла Научне Фондације, Филаделфија, САД: Додела награда и похвалница за допринос сарадњи матице и дијаспоре.


11:45– 12: 30      Пауза и програм изложбе књига

Изложба уметника из дијаспоре, презентација радова уметника, хорски наступ


  • 30–13:45Односи матице и дијаспоре (сала 001)


  • Петар Ластић, председник Српски институт Мађарска: Сарадња Срба из мађарске и средњеевропског региона са Србијом, перспективе и будућност.


  • Звездана Стојановић Скот (Scott), потпредседница Тесла Научне Фондације, САД: Наше искуство из Америке: како побољшати односе матице и дијаспоре.


  • Игор Стевановић Орељ,СПОЈИ, Инсбрук: Млади и повратак.


  • Проф. др. Јован Филиповић, Факултет организационих наука: Српска интелектуална дијаспора: шанса или претња?


  • Немања Девић, историчар:


  • Славица Мастикоша, Франкфуртска седница, Немачка: Рад франкфуртске седмице и српска култура у Немачкој.


  • Вукман Кривокућа, помоћник директора, Управа за сарадњу са дијаспором и Србима у региону Министарство спољних послова.


  • Никола Лончар, председник Тесла Научне Фондације, Филаделфија, САД:

Однос матице и дијаспоре, какав нам је однос потребан, закључна разматрања.


  • Срђан Мијалковић, председник Просвјета Аустрија: Матица и дијаспора, програми у Аустрији.
  • 12:30 – 13:45      Дијаспора и политика повратка / Председавајући: академик Зоран Радовић (сала 005) 
    • Мирјана Самарџија, извршна потпредседница Задужбине Студеница (Studenica Foundation) Сан Франциско САД:


    Оно штосе не зна довољно: колико дијаспора даје.


    • Жељко Шљиванчанин: Институт Винча: Изазови повратка из дијаспоре


    • Милица Миловановић, саветница Институт за физику: Искуства повратника из дијаспоре


    • Марина Швабић, САД: Миленијумска генерација у дијаспори – нови правци и перспективе за пословање и повезивање.


    • Ненад Пауновић, директор тима за IT и предузетништво, Кабинет председника Владе: Политика владе и стварање амбијента у новим технологијама за повратак младих предузетника


    • Име Презиме, (Марина Швабић ће предложити): Искуства повратника.


    • Име Презиме, Универзитет Сингидунум (проф. Цветковић предлаже, остале колеге повтарници са Сингидунума да буду присутни , за дискусију): Искуства повратника.


    • Академик Зоран Радовић, Српска Академија Наука и Уметности:

    Одбор научника и уметника из дијаспоре, иницијатива и закључна разматрања.


    13.45 – 14. 00     Пауза

    1. 00 – 15. 30 Дружење, коктел и закуска

Tesla’s People Platform

by Tesla
Tesla’s People Platform

The motive for creating a complex and ambitious Tesla’s People Project was identified by a number of problems that our Diaspora are confronted with and finding answers to important issues that are commonly related to our people in the motherland and diaspora.

How many Serbs are in the world? What is the number of successful Serbs in the world? Where are the Serbs good and why are they recognized in the communities they live in? Who are your successful Serbs in the world? Are they and in what way are they connected? Do they know about each other? Do they know each other and recognize themselves? Do Serbs know they are Serbs? Do they neglect Serbian customs? Do they know and preserve the Serbian tradition?

The Tesla People’s Platform is a general term for bringing together a set of services, tools, and software products to be developed by the Tesla Science Foundation, based in Philadelphia; independent supporters who can build their own applications and services that have access to the Tesla’s People Platform will be supported. The platform will offer a set of programming interfaces and tools that will allow independent developers to enjoy work. In the first phase, the version would be supported in Serbian and English, and later on, in other languages.

The Tesla People’s Platform is a logical solution to the problems mentioned above and providing answers to the questions raised in such a way that it will make it possible, in an original and interesting way, to connect our people in Diaspora. The platform should represent a powerful two-way communication channel, through which they would better understand, by consensus on constructive ideas and realization of the same, faster, more reliable, and better solutions to current problems, both in the diaspora and in the motherland.

The Tesla’s People Platform, through high-quality and affirmative essays on prominent and important representatives of Serbs and friends of the Serbian people in diasporas, documentary video materials, and other multimedia content, presented the true facts about the scope of Serbian intelligence in the diaspora and its influence on the global society. The accent would be placed on informing the peoples of Serbia about its historical role in the United States and the world, important historical cooperation between Serbia and the United States, as well as, Serbia and the world. By presenting such information, it is necessary to inform the Serbs and the international public about the quality of the Serbian people and its potential, to make our diaspora proud of its Serbian origin, and belonging to American society or the countries in which they live and participate, and to motivate it to take Serbian citizenship.

The Tesla People’s Platform is a valuable treasure, which is of great importance for the Serbs, due to authentic data on significant personalities, and prevents their works from being forgotten.

Tesla’s Travels Throughout New York and America

by Tesla
Tesla’s Travels Throughout New York and America

Nikola Tesla is Serbian scientist that spent the majority of his life in America. He resided in New York for nearly 60 years. Tesla has earned the right for younger generations to study more of his scientific work. The Tesla Science Foundation (TSF) research team, has collected all of the addresses where Tesla lived and worked, along with a large selection of authentic photographs during that time. This would be used for the realization of several projects devoted to studying the works of Nikola Tesla, in order to, encourage younger generations.

For anyone interested in learning the significance of Tesla and the evolution of science in the twentieth and twenty-first century, it is necessary to implement several sub-projects:

  1. To remove all hard copies of the available photographs and documents related to where Tesla lived and worked from the American and Serbian archives, and switch to electronic, digital databases.
  1. Record the current condition of the locations, which Tesla lived and worked using imaging, video, and 360 degree camera angles.
  1. Develop mobile apps, Paths of Tesla through New York and America, where in addition to GPS navigations, can lead you to the location and experience Tesla, and what he did at the time. It would include virtual reality, documentary videos, and additional materials for an educational book.
  1. Develop educational, instructional books, and manuals on Tesla. As a base, photo-monograph, Nikola Tesla, by Milovan Matic, would be beneficial with information that could be used for educating children and teachers on Tesla and his inventions in the field of electrical engineering and wireless energy transfer.
  1. Our current exhibit is Tesla: Past, Present, and Future, with collaboration from the Museum of Nikola Tesla in Belgrade, Serbia, and other organizations within the United States. We are combining our efforts and materials for our future project, Paths of Tesla Through New York and America.
  1. Drafting the script for an educational drama project, Tesla: Past, Present, and Future. The script is intended for plays and the theatre, so school children can learn about Tesla and his life’s works (patents and inventions). The TSF team is already in the process of acquiring materials and equipment (replicas of his inventions) with new modern technology.
  1. TeslaTalk.TV would be able to benefit from modern communications, so that interviewed experts and enthusiasts around the world would be able to learn from each other. The primary purpose of this Internet platform is to be used as a teaching tool and connect people interested in science.
  1. The purpose of creating an Internet based project is to educate students of all ages: elementary school, middle school, high school, and college. A special part of the project would be for the general public. The experts at the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade, Serbia will verify all materials; it is the most accredited institution of Nikola Tesla and his work.


by Tesla

Dear Tesla members and enthusiasts,

It is time to take the next step in the work and organization of the Tesla Science Foundation, due to the high demand in which the Tesla organization has grown internationally. We are one of the most active groups in the world. We have heard from Tesla enthusiasts all over the world who want to open a local Tesla club and expect a program and networking in our system. To achieve this, we started the TeslaTalk.TV project and forming a Tesla nation network.

Our first meetings were held in libraries, scientific institutions, museums, schools, and universities (these will still continue); however, it is imperative to have specialized Tesla Club rooms. We would like to have everything in one location in order to have a bookstore, art gallery, exhibition space, and studio space to hold webinars, meetings, lectures; a common meeting place for Tesla enthusiasts to exchange ideas. By doing so, this would help us achieve a significant part of our mission and attract new members. Our TeslaTalk.TV communication center will be linked here; Tesla worldwide (our database currently stands at 15,000+) and each Tesla Club will be directly connected with us.

I believe that we would be able to create sufficient capital for self-supply, in order to, enable us to expand on new projects: printing and publishing books, recording, documentary films, financing small patent projects, scholarship costs for participation in scientific conferences, etc. We are open to all suggestions and invite you to cooperate.

We have our constant travelling exhibition, “Tesla: Past, Present, Future”, for which we are preparing a part that will be in a 3D format to show what the world would look like if we implemented all of Tesla’s ideas and inventions. The main objective of the exhibit is to motivate visitors to think about ways in which life on earth could be more beautiful and better. We think this is achievable if we all focused more and implemented Tesla’s ideas.

We have recently established a lab and studio in Belgrade in order to build a firmer connection with the homeland, where there is the largest number Tesla supporters in the world. We continue our cooperation with the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade, but also with all the enthusiasts who study and promote Tesla in cities across Serbia. In the future, Belgrade will be the main centers for maintaining “Days of Tesla”. The Tesla Science Foundation in the USA and its branch in Serbia will jointly organize the work. Our TeslaTalk.TV studio and lab in Philadelphia-PA Narberth has been our biggest investment project for the TSF. Hopefully, this will bring the desired results and all of us working together. We invite you to give proposals for interviews with people who are engaged in various fields but also with significant members of the Tesla nation. We are all the people of Tesla.

For a long time, we have been working with the school in Philadelphia in an experimental program known as the “Introduction of Tesla in the School System”. We have connected and collaborated with the Nikola Tesla School in Serbia. This program is our most important program to definitely incorporate Tesla in its rightful place in our education system, in the USA and throughout the world.

Multiple times per year, we award prizes to individuals and constituencies who have done something significant in terms of promoting the works of Nikola Tesla. Awards and prizes include Tesla medals, Tesla’s people medals, mini bust of Tesla, Tesla Spirit Award at several levels, and a large bust of Tesla; there are the seven levels by the size of the work, which has been done. Thus far, we have assigned all awards of which we knew of and we expect proposals for the new winners.

Our desire is to take part in the work of one of our centers and in some of our projects. All of you who did not access the platformhttp://www.meetup.com/ntesla-38/ are invited to do so in the coming days in order to make communications easier.

Here’s how you can follow our program:




Warmest regards,
Nikola Loncar
Founder & President
Tesla Science Foundation
Skype: Nikola.Loncar32
Phone: +1 484 955 0545