10 Yrs of Tesla Science Foundation – Projects:

Tesla Science Foundation projects:
after 10 years of existing as TSF and before that as NTIC (‘Nikola Tesla Inventors Club’) and NTC (‘Nikola Tesla Club’) and work on large number of projects, our goal for 2020 is very ambitious and doable.
1. finishing the project ‘Tesla Ways USA’ http://teslaways.us/ which beside the digital platform represents a documentary film and a monography Tesla Ways https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLqKwW6xv_g
2. finishing the projects ‘Nikola Tesla Club’ i ‘Nikola Tesla Inventors Club’ with all the materials neccessary for clubs to simply function in all countries of the world where needed. Project with Tacony Academy Charter School with which we have been working for seven years: ‘how to start Nikola Tesla Program to Schools of America’
3. work with Franklin Institute: once a month we have presentations about Tesla ‘Evenings with a Community’ and four times a year ‘Science in the Evening’
4. Philadelphia Science Festival with the City of Philadephia and ‘Franklin Institute’. The manifestation has between 25.000 and 40.000 visitors, and we have been the guests of honour and partners for 8 years, beside 200 most important institutions and univesities in USA https://www.fi.edu/psf
5. Conference in Belgrade is on June 2. titled ‘Tesla’s third time in Belgrade’. We will be presenting the most important projects from Serbia and the area, also giving the awards ‘Tesla’s People’ and ‘Tesla Spirit Awards’.
6. Celebratint Tesla’s birthday on 9. /10. July at Independance National Historical Park Philadelphia’. ‘INHPF’ is one of the most important historical places in USA: Philadelphia was the first Capital of the USA and ‘INHPH’ is where the original Constitution is as well as the bells that announced the independance of America.
7. Conference in New Yorker Hotel will be on January 16, 2021. ‘Tesla Spirit Award Conference’ and ‘Tesla’s People’ is inviting organizations and individuals to participate, who did something important for Tesla and Tesla’s people.
TSF gives 7 levels of rewards to individuals and organizations depending on the level of work that was done. Up till now we placed 11 Tesla busts in the places we considered important. We also placed some artwork’ Tesla Spirit Award’.
Additional projects: continuing filming of ‘Tesla’s People’ of which I am the original Producer and inventor of registered name with the Board of Intellectual Property of Serbia.
We are continuing with the new group and new themes. Questionnaire ‘Tesla’s People’ which should give us the real picture about Tesla’s people in the world as well as in Tesla groups.
Part of the project will be presented over TeslaTalk.TV https://teslasciencefoundation.org/tesla-talktv/ whose owner and founder is TNF.
Nikola Lonchar
President /Founder
Tesla Science Foundation
Skype: Nikola.Loncar32
Telephone: 484-955-0545