Competition – Energy store and learn more 7

  Competition  CLICK FOR MORE INFO This competition has been held since 2009 and for the first two years it was open only for the students of our school. Due to the quality of the students’ work we made this competition open for all the students of elementary and secondary schools. The main idea is…




This competition has been held since 2009 and for the first two years it was open only for the students of our school. Due to the quality of the students’ work we made this competition open for all the students of elementary and secondary schools. The main idea is to celebrate the geniality of Nikola Tesla, to raise the awareness of the importance of electric energy, to encourage team work and creativity. The results are always published on June 2nd because on this day 1892 Nikola Tesla spoke to the students of the Belgrade Higher School. The competition award ceremony is held in the first decade of June.

Energy we store and we learn more 7

(Open till 19th May 2017)

Elementary/middle school: individually, with the help of their mentor, students make a multimedia presentation or/and a poster

Topic:  Tesla’s Energy

High school: in a team, (two members and mentor) students make a multimedia presentation, a poster and a logo.

Topic: Tesla’s Energy

Multimedia presentation has a time limit of 256 seconds maximum.

Everything else depends on your creativity. You will be marked for your technical accuracy, literacy and originality.

Poster made by students of elementary/middle schools can be done in any art technique with minimal dimensions of A3 format.

Poster made by students of high schools must have a competition logo on it and that logo should also be enclosed in a separate document.

We are searching for an appropriate logo and if your logo meets the standards it will receive a special prize.

Posters must be printed in A3 format.

Teacher –mentor should send the applications.

Application forms can be downloaded here:

The competition includes the first, second and third place well as the prize for a special contribution. If you have any further questions, please contact us energystoreilearnmore@gmail.comProjects can be sent with the help of the Internet link and the link should be sent to