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Call to participate – New Nikola Tesla App

by Tesla
Call to participate – New Nikola Tesla App

We are currently building a fun and exciting new phone app — and it will give you a virtual tour of all the places where Nikola Tesla lived and worked around NYC — photos and videos — then vs now — with narration to give you all the details — and other visual content so that you can get to know this history firsthand like never before.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO GET INVOLVED — We can always use more help with video production; graphic design; app developers

We are a community driven non-profit — we have a lot of fun, and we have a huge global network of Tesla people — so join us!

Contact us at TeslaScienceFoundation.org

The book TESLA: SPIRITUAL CHARACTER, authored by Presbyter Oliver Subotic, a priest of the Serbian Orthodox Church

by Tesla
The book TESLA: SPIRITUAL CHARACTER, authored by Presbyter Oliver Subotic, a priest of the Serbian Orthodox Church

Dear admirers of the character and work of Nikola Tesla, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce to you:

Hundreds of books about Tesla have been published to date. A large number of them were reduced mainly to copying and modifying previous editions, and inaccurate data often appeared in them. This practically caused damage to Nikola Tesla, and the greater benefit would have been if some of those books had not even been published.

In recent times, there has been great interest in the topic of the spiritual life of Nikola Tesla.
Finally, I can freely say that the first scientific study was published, and not just a book on that topic.

The book TESLA: SPIRITUAL CHARACTER, authored by Presbyter Oliver Subotic, a priest of the Serbian Orthodox Church, covers everything I have personally searched for for years and have not been able to find anywhere. In addition, the list of references used at the end of that book is a real treasure trove of information for further research.

Currently, this book can be purchased at the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade (which is a co-publisher) and in the store of the Faculty of Theology, which is located across the street from the Serbian Patriarchate.

THE WEBSITE is set up from which the book can be ordered online!

FOLLOW THIS LINK AND ORDER YOUR BOOK ONLINE: https://www.tesla-duhovni-lik.rs/

For years, the Tesla Science Foundation has been awarding medals and carvings called the Tesla Spirit Awards. This book and its author definitely deserve recognition for the great carving of the Tesla Spirit Awards.

The book is being translated into English. According to current estimates, the English edition of the book is expected to be out of print by the end of the year, so its promotion in New York on January 15, 2022 can be planned.

Nikola Lonchar
President / Founder
Tesla Science Foundation

Phone: 484 955 0545


by Tesla

All are welcome to visit The Franklin Institute for free on Community Nights! We invite you to join us at this monthly event that features our famous permanent exhibits, hands-on activities, and live science shows. Each month we highlight local partner organizations that provide science activities or resources.

The Franklin Institute

222 North 20th Street · Philadelphia, PA

Teslas People Invites

by Tesla
Teslas People Invites

Serbian Developement Academy, SDA Belgrade, Serbia and
The Tesla Science Foundation, USA nacionalniprogram@gmail.com

If I will have the luck to realize at least some of my ideas, it will be a
benefaction for the whole mankind. If these hopes of mine come true, the
sweetest thought will be that it is the work of a Serbian.
Nikola Tesla


Public Anouncement

to all Serbs in motherland and in diaspora. Join

Dear compatriots, Serbian Tesla’s people, look back, look at the
past, to see what our future holds. We will see that our people who are
many thousand years old, suffered greatly, lost their freedom, lost t
country and its teritory, we were destroyed in factories of death,
concentration camps, death pits, lost in migrations, persecutions, wars,
slavory, epidemics, malnutrition, sanctions and poisoning. But, in all
those circumstances, our people fought for our culture, our church, our
civilization and gave the world the work of great importance.


Nikola Tesla himself with his brilliant mind, started a worldwide
technological and scientific revolution which is unsurpassed in promoting
wellbeing of the whole mankind in its every day life. It is difficult to think
of a person anywhere in the world who doesn’t use Tesla’s inventions.
Serbs are people of a great spirit, big heart and warm soul, who are
friends to every human being, never conquerors in wars, never had
However, we are now scattered us around the whole world, we
don’t even know how many of us there are, our connections are broken,
we are dissapearing, we are becoming not ours and not foreign, our souls
are suffering, our Serbian national identity is weaker. We are less like
our ancestors, our Serbs, we know about оurselves less, about our roots
and our history. Our homeland is being torn apart, it is being given to
others, our great people are being called theirs, they are brainwashing
us, contaminating our air, water, ground, every day people die of horrible
diseases. They dictate their rules for our behaviour, we forget our
customs, our tradition, our culture and all of us are becoming less and
less Serbian. We resemble others more and it will be like that until we
dissapear as people, the same way many ancient people did. Serbia and
Serbian people are at an ongoing war with the invisible enemy.
There are many negative consequences of the Serbian past. One of
them is Serbian diaspora spread around the whole world, that is being
assimilated and is melting and disappearing, which is an enormous
national loss. They were all born in Serbia, raised, taken care of, with
our health care and education, who received all aspects of normal and
healthy life, at the prime of their lives, in their with all the beauty and
health of young age, they left to serve the foreigners. They created an
enormous material and spiritual wealth with their strength and mind for
a foreign country, not for mother Serbia. That is the biggest national
robbery of Serbia without any compensation.
Even Serbian descendants were in the war against their own
people. Janissaries of Serbian origin with an incredible change of
national indentity were the most cruel oponents of Serbian people. There


are others who with their ideologically poisoned minds still hate and
despise their Serbian origin. That is the tragedy of Serbian people. There
are still single mothers who ask their Docotors to write a death certificate
for them so they can send it to their lost children hoping they would
come and see them before they die. Can we allow for us to disappear
that way too, not allowing our social sickness to heal! We have to take
out the knife from our own heart, stabbed with our own Serbian hand.
Let’s stop our disappearing, get our act together, get closer,
strengthen our spirit, our national conscience and our national identity
so we can provide the future to the new generations of Serbs, let us
preserve Serbian Tesla’s people, people of great spirit.
To accomplish that it is necessary that the Serbian people come up
with a unique national program for all Serbs of the world regardless of
all differences, so we can bring light to the present, bad situation. We
should establish what the problems of Serbian people are, identify causes
of those problems and suggest ways and means of eliminating them. We
should clearly state what the characteristics of Serbian people are, that
makes us Serbs, what constitutes our national conscience, Serbian
national identities, define what it is that makes Serbian national integrity
and our future as a nation. We have to be aware of ourselves so we don’t
wander through life aimlessly.
That document is called THE SERBIAN NATIONAL PROGRAM
We are calling all Serbs in diaspora and in homeland who wish and
have an idea, suggestion or vision about bringing SNP USTP to life.

The work should be divided as following:
A/ Identify all problems of Serbian people in 21. century, regardless
of their depth or importance;
B/ Identify all causes of problems of Serbian people;
C/ Suggest the means and ways of removing those problems,
diminishing of each and every cause of those problems;
D/ Specifically point out the basic fundamentals of Serbian national
conscience and Serbian national identity because they precede biological
and spiritual existence of Serbian people in all circumstances and at all

Priorities A/, B/ and C/ can be written by more or less anyone,
because they are part of our time, which make our life. Each person
knows best what their problems are, what the causes of those problems
are and how they can be eliminated.
Priorities D/ are the basis od our social superstructure, our SUPER
EGO, that we aquired in our families, at school, in our social life national
historical collective, cultural heritage (language, religion, family and
social behaviours, customs, tradition, sense of individual and collective
perspective, or in general, everything that makes us distinctive as
Serbian people and individually Serbian).

,,The Serbian national program united Serbian Tesla’s people”
will be collective work and posession of every Serb and no one can,
based on it benefit personally or claim any rights, as no one can claim
the air we breathe. With that, SNP USTP will give us a clear perspective
for Serbain people and for personal perspective as part of Serbian
national conscience.


It will not bother us at all to live harmoniuosly, to be one with our
surrounding regardless of its quality and with that find strength in
Serbian national conscience and Serbian national identities. We will
preserve all that and firmly stay the way and what we are: Serbs.
That will give us the strength and pride in belonging to Serbian people,
we will not live with the feeling of ambivalence, which that can lead to
religious and national conversion, from ideological deviance,
subserving, feeling of shame for being Serbian and not some other
ethnicity that we respect as people with good qualities. That will help us
to surpass those people we admire or at least to be equal with them. We
will be a good example for others for what they want to accomplish the
same way some countries are for others.
This theme is not final, with time we will add new priorities, ideas,
facts we learned, and generally speaking SNP USTP be a dinamic
category rather than a religous dogma.
I strongly believe that we will all be happy to be Serbian. That is
why I am calling every Serb wherever you might be, Serbs in diaspora
and motherland, all Serbian organisations, especially Serbian youth to
join us and actively participate in bringing this Serbian National
Program to life, without inferiority complex, without discouragement or
self doubt.

Belgrade, 18. 08. 2018.

Ph.D. Dobrosav Nikodinović, Serbia

Nikola Lončar, Philadelphia, USA

Теслин Народ Позива

by Tesla
Теслин Народ Позива

Српска развојна академија РАС Београд, Србија и Научна фондација Никола Тесла САД

Ако будем имао среће да остварим барем неке
од својих идеја, то ће бити доброчинство за
цело човечанство. Ако се те моје идеје испуне,
најслађа мисао биће ми та да је то дело једног
Никола Тесла

свим Србима матице и дијаспоре да учествују у доношењу


Драги сународници, српски Теслин народе, oсврнимо се за
собом, погледајмо нашу прошлост да би предвидели нашу будућност.
Видећемо да је наш вишехиљадугодишњи народ небројено пута
страдао, губио слободу, своју државу, територију, масовно
уништаван у фабрикама смрти концентрационим логорима, јамама,
селидбама, прогонима, ратовима, робовањем, епидемијaма,
изгладњивањем, санкцијама, масовним тровањем. Али и у свим тим
околностима се борио за свој биолошки и духовни опстанак и
стварао своју културу, своју цркву, своју цивилизацију и дао свету
дела од светског значаја.
Сам Никола Тесла својим великим умом и неизмерном
снагом направио је светску технолошку и научну револуцију која је


неизмерно опште светско благостање коју цео свет користи у своме
животу. Незамислив је живот сваког појединца ма где на свету био
без коришћења Теслиних изума.
Срби су народ великог духа, широког срца и топле душе,
пријатељи сваког људског бића, никад нису водили освајачке ратове,
нису имали своје робове.

Али сада смо расејани по целом свету, незнамо ни колико
нас има, покидане су везе међу нама, топимо се, постајемо ни своји
ни туђи, наша душа пати. Наша српска национална свест је све
слабија, све мање личимо на своје претке, на своје Србе, све мање
знамо о себи, о своме роду, о својој прошлости. Нашу домовину
цепају, поклањају другима, присвајају наше великане, испирају нам
мозгове, затровли су нам ваздух, воду, земљиште, свакоднево
умиремо од злоћудних болести. Диктирају нам своја правила како да
се понашамо. Захтевају да заборвимо своју прошлост, заборављамо
своје обичаје, своју традицију, своју културу и сви ми сваким даном
све мање личимо на себе, све смо мање Срби а све смо сличнији
другима. Тако ће бити док потпуно нестанемо као народ, као што су
нестали многи стари народи. Србија и српски народ је у
непрекидном рату са невидљивим непријатељем.

Бројне су штетне последице такве српске прошлости. Једна
од тих последица је и српска дијаспора расејана по целом свету која
се асимилацијом топи и нестаје, што је огроман национални губитак.
Сви су они рођени у Србији, одрасли, однеговани, лечени,
школовани, стварани им услови за нормалан и здрав живот и у
напону снаге и најлепше младости отишли у свет да служе туђина.
Стварали су огромно материјално и духовно богатство својом снагом
и умом у домицилним државама, а не својој матици Србији. То је
највећа добровољна национална пљачка Србије без икакаве
надокнаде штете.

Чак су српски потомци и ратовали против рођеног народа.


затрованом свешћу и данас мрзе и презиру своје српско порекло. То
је трагедија српског народа. Данас заборављене самохране мајке
моле докторе да им дају потврду да су умрле да пошаљу изгубљеном
јединцу да би дошао да га види пре своје смрти. Зар смемо
дозволити да се и на тај начин затиремо, а да ништа не предузмемо
да ту нашу социјалну болест лечимо! Морамо вадити нож из
сопственог срца забоден нашом српском руком.

Зауствимо своје нестајање, саберимо се, зближимо се,
ујединимо се, ојачајмо свој дух, своју националну свест и своје
националне идентитете да би обезбедили будућност српским
генерацијама које долазе, сачувајмо свој српски Теслин народ, народ
великог духа.

Да би то остварили неопходно је да српски народ донесе
јединствен национални програм за све Србе света без обзира на било
какве разлике да би осветлили садашњу лошу српску ситуацију.
Треба регистровати све проблеме српског народа, идентификовати
узроке тих проблема и предложити начине и средства елминсања
тих узрока. Треба јасно истаћи шта су основи српског народа који
нас чине Србима, шта чини нашу српску националну свест, српске
националне идентитете, шта је то што опредељује српски
национални интегритет и нашу српску будућност. Морамо бити
свесни сами себе, да не лутамо у животу као гуске у магли.



Позивамо све Србе дијаспоре и матице који желе и имају
идеју, предлог или визију да учествују у доношењу тог СНП


Начин рада би био следећи:

А/ Евидентисати све проблеме српског народа у 21. веку, без

обзира на њихову величину и значај;

Б/ Идентификовати све узроке сваког проблема српског


Ц/ Предложити начин и средства отклањања, искорењивања

сваког појединачог узрока тих проблема;

Д/ Посебно истаћи основне темеље српске националне свести
и српских националних идентитета јер су предуслов биолошког и
духовног очувања српског народа у свим околностима и свим

Одреднице под А/, Б/ и Ц/ могу мање више сви да обраде, јер
су конкретне део наше савремености, чине наш живот. Свако
најбоље зна шта су његови проблеми, шта су узроци тих проблема и
како би могли да се ти узроци отклоне.

Одреднице под Д/ су основи наше друштвене надградње,
нашег СУПЕР ЕГА, што смо стекли у породици, школи, друштвеном
животу, колективном нациналном историјском, културном
баштином (језик, религија, породично и друштвено васпитање,
обичаји, традиција, поглед на индивидуалну и колективну
перспективу, уопште све оно што нас чини посебним као српски
нaрод и појединачно Србином).

,,Српски национални програм Сви Срби света један српски
Теслин народ” ће бити колективно дело и колективна својина сваког
Србина и нико не може по том основу стећи никакав индивидуални
интерес или посебно право, као што се тако право не остварује,
рецимо, на ваздух.


Овим СНП СССЈСТН ће нам омогућити да имамо јасну
националну свест у сваком тренутку и у свим околностима, јасне
националне идентитете и јасну перспективу и српског народа и
личну као део српског народа. То нам ни најмање неће сметати да
живимо хармонично, складно са својим окружењем без обзира какво
је и да са таквом снагом српске националне свести и српских
националих идентитета сачувамо свој национални интегритет и
чврсто останемо оно што јесмо, Срби. То ће нам дати снагу и понос
што припадамо Српском народу, нећемо живети са супротним
осећањима у амбиваленцији, сачуваће нас од верског и националног
конвертитства, идеолошких застрањивања, потчињености, осећања
стида што смо Срби а нисмо припадници другог народа који
поштујемо као народ који има своје вредности. То ће нас подстицати
да друге надмашимо или бар да будемо равни са другима. Бићемо
другима пример за углед, као што су данас неки други народи нама.
Ова тема није коначна, временом ће се проширивати новим
одредницама, идејама, сазнањима, уопште СНП СССЈСТН ће бити
динамична категорија а не догма религије.

Тврдо верујем да ћемо бити сви радосни због чињнице што
смо Срби. Зато позивам сваког Србина ма где био, Србе дијаспоре и
матице, све српске организације, посебно српску омладину да нам се
придруже и да активно учествују у доношењу овог Српског
националног програма, без комплекса, малодушности и сумње у себе.

Београд 18. 08. 2018. година

Др Добросав Никодиновић, Србија
Никола Лончар, Филаделфија

”Tesla’s Travels Throughout New York and America”

by Tesla
”Tesla’s Travels Throughout New York and America”



Nikola Tesla is Serbian scientist that spent the majority of his life in America. He resided in New York for nearly 60 years. Tesla has earned the right for younger generations to study more of his scientific work. The Tesla Science Foundation (TSF) research team, has collected all of the addresses where Tesla lived and worked, along with a large selection of authentic photographs during that time. This would be used for the realization of several projects devoted to studying the works of Nikola Tesla, in order to, encourage younger generations.

For anyone interested in learning the significance of Tesla and the evolution of science in the twentieth and twenty-first century, it is necessary to implement several sub-projects:


  1. To remove all hard copies of the available photographs and documents related to where Tesla lived and worked from the American and Serbian archives, and switch to electronic, digital databases.


  1. Record the current condition of the locations, which Tesla lived and worked using imaging, video, and 360 degree camera angles.


  1. Develop mobile apps, Paths of Tesla through New York and America, where in addition to GPS navigations, can lead you to the location and experience Tesla, and what he did at the time. It would include virtual reality, documentary videos, and additional materials for an educational book.


  1. Develop educational, instructional books, and manuals on Tesla. As a base, photo-monograph, Nikola Tesla, by Milovan Matic, would be beneficial with information that could be used for educating children and teachers on Tesla and his inventions in the field of electrical engineering and wireless energy transfer.


  1. Our current exhibit is Tesla: Past, Present, and Future, with collaboration from the Museum of Nikola Tesla in Belgrade, Serbia, and other organizations within the United States. We are combining our efforts and materials for our future project, Paths of Tesla Through New York and America.


  1. Drafting the script for an educational drama project, Tesla: Past, Present, and Future. The script is intended for plays and the theatre, so school children can learn about Tesla and his life’s works (patents and inventions). The TSF team is already in the process of acquiring materials and equipment (replicas of his inventions) with new modern technology.


  1. TeslaTalk.TV would be able to benefit from modern communications, so that interviewed experts and enthusiasts around the world would be able to learn from each other. The primary purpose of this Internet platform is to be used as a teaching tool and connect people interested in science.


  1. The purpose of creating an Internet based project is to educate students of all ages: elementary school, middle school, high school, and college. A special part of the project would be for the general public. The experts at the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade, Serbia will verify all materials; it is the most accredited institution of Nikola Tesla and his work.

Nikola Lonchar/Никола Лончар
President / Founder
Tesla Science Foundation
Phone: 484 955 0545

Presentation of the new ”Tesla” book By Milovan Matic

by Tesla
Presentation of the new ”Tesla” book By Milovan Matic

“Tesla” book presentation  May 8th

Free Library of Philadelphia (main branch) room 405

1901 Vine St., Philadelphia, PA

At this event, The Tesla Science Foundation will be presenting the new book “Tesla” by  Mr. Milovan Matic, who will be present at the book promotion, as well as Duga Radovanov, publisher, both guests from the Republic of Serbia.

The Tesla Science Foundation has participated in this edition and we will be looking for more ideas and more content to be included in the new edition. Ashley Redfearn, the Principal of The Tacony Academy will discuss Tesla curriculum as part of the book. We ask you to join us with your ideas.

Philadelphia Art Institute and TeslaTalk.TV will be present and will be filming the event.

This is a FREE event.

The Tesla Science Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the life, legacy and scientific innovations of Nikola Tesla.  Having successfully hosted numerous lectures, seminars, forums – to include the annual Energy Independence Conference and Tesla Memorial Conference  and Tesla’s People Conference in Belgrade, Serbia – our Foundation is the most active Tesla related organization in the United States today.  Through our dedicated efforts and generous support from our contributors,  the Tesla Science Foundation network of distinguished scientists, engineers, academics, artists, students and other Tesla enthusiasts worldwide continues to grow.  Visionary and scientist  Nikola Tesla is included in the UNESCO Memory of the World register.

Tesla Science Foundation
