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15 Articles

”Tesla’s Travels Throughout New York and America”

by Tesla
”Tesla’s Travels Throughout New York and America”



Nikola Tesla is Serbian scientist that spent the majority of his life in America. He resided in New York for nearly 60 years. Tesla has earned the right for younger generations to study more of his scientific work. The Tesla Science Foundation (TSF) research team, has collected all of the addresses where Tesla lived and worked, along with a large selection of authentic photographs during that time. This would be used for the realization of several projects devoted to studying the works of Nikola Tesla, in order to, encourage younger generations.

For anyone interested in learning the significance of Tesla and the evolution of science in the twentieth and twenty-first century, it is necessary to implement several sub-projects:


  1. To remove all hard copies of the available photographs and documents related to where Tesla lived and worked from the American and Serbian archives, and switch to electronic, digital databases.


  1. Record the current condition of the locations, which Tesla lived and worked using imaging, video, and 360 degree camera angles.


  1. Develop mobile apps, Paths of Tesla through New York and America, where in addition to GPS navigations, can lead you to the location and experience Tesla, and what he did at the time. It would include virtual reality, documentary videos, and additional materials for an educational book.


  1. Develop educational, instructional books, and manuals on Tesla. As a base, photo-monograph, Nikola Tesla, by Milovan Matic, would be beneficial with information that could be used for educating children and teachers on Tesla and his inventions in the field of electrical engineering and wireless energy transfer.


  1. Our current exhibit is Tesla: Past, Present, and Future, with collaboration from the Museum of Nikola Tesla in Belgrade, Serbia, and other organizations within the United States. We are combining our efforts and materials for our future project, Paths of Tesla Through New York and America.


  1. Drafting the script for an educational drama project, Tesla: Past, Present, and Future. The script is intended for plays and the theatre, so school children can learn about Tesla and his life’s works (patents and inventions). The TSF team is already in the process of acquiring materials and equipment (replicas of his inventions) with new modern technology.


  1. TeslaTalk.TV would be able to benefit from modern communications, so that interviewed experts and enthusiasts around the world would be able to learn from each other. The primary purpose of this Internet platform is to be used as a teaching tool and connect people interested in science.


  1. The purpose of creating an Internet based project is to educate students of all ages: elementary school, middle school, high school, and college. A special part of the project would be for the general public. The experts at the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade, Serbia will verify all materials; it is the most accredited institution of Nikola Tesla and his work.

Nikola Lonchar/Никола Лончар
President / Founder
Tesla Science Foundation
Phone: 484 955 0545

REPORT on Days of Diaspora 2015, 2016 & Invitation for 2017

by Tesla
REPORT on Days of Diaspora 2015, 2016 & Invitation for 2017


This is the third year that the Tesla Science Foundation (TSF) and Tesla’s People Organization are holding Diaspora meetings in Belgrade.

In the first year, July 2015, we organized meetings in the office to work with and present to the Diaspora:

  • To simplify the process of obtaining citizens for the Serb Diaspora
  • To adopt a special procedure for obtaining citizenship for the descendants of Serbs in Diaspora.
  • For the descendants of Serbs baptized in the Serbian Orthodox Church to be allowed to take Serbian citizen by special procedures
  • To re-establish the Ministry for Diaspora, and to the members of the board with the consent of the Serbian Diaspora
  • In order to enable the fulfillment of requirements for citizenship electronically
  • To establish an election mechanism for Diaspora voting in the Assembly of the Republic of Serbia
  • To establish a system of tax incentives and facilitate procedures for the investment of the Diaspora in the mainstream
  • To simplify the procedure of introducing humanitarian aid to Serbia

Please view the video with conclusions on the following link:


The Second Year, 2016, TSF, in cooperation with the University of Singidunum held a Days of Diaspora, where they discussed activities and problems with the Diaspora students. Students and leaders of various groups from the Diaspora to present their programs; they exchanged views and adopted the following conclusions:

  • To create a platform for communications
  • To form a team to work on the project, “Meet the Roots, Meet the Serbs”
  • To form a workshop for groups to teach the Serbian language
  • To form a platform for joint cooperation and exchange of Serbian Students, domestic and abroad
  • To work on the tune-ups through varies events: art, cultural, and sport, throughout the world
  • To create groups and media observation, in order to, eliminate negative views of Serbia

This year, on July 6, 2017, TSF of the United States and Serbia, in cooperation with the University of Singidunum, will hold a Days of Diaspora, with the support from multiple organizations: Student Foundation from the United States; Serbian Organizations, JMC and SNF in the United States; the Serbian cultural society, Prosveta from Austria; the Organization of Serbian Students Abroad, and Heritage Foundation.

The program includes the following topics:

  • The link between the dioceses and the diaspora; how are they expressed by representatives in ministries and diaspora organizations
  • The dialect and diaspora: Serbian identity in the 21st Century
  • The Serbian language and the Serbian National Corps
  • Young Diaspora, Return, and Commitment
  • Pension and other Diaspora income in Serbia

Expectations include lectures, talks, discussions, and exchange of opinions and information. Special guests in attendance include distinguished guests for various organizations, ambassadors, and representatives of the University in Serbia. High School students from the Diaspora and regions will participate as well.


Izvestaj o realizovanim aktivnostima / Cetvrta Teslina memorijalna konferencija “Bezicni prenos elektricne energije – Teslina laboratorija Kolorado Springs” 2017

by Tesla
Izvestaj o realizovanim aktivnostima / Cetvrta Teslina memorijalna konferencija “Bezicni prenos elektricne energije – Teslina laboratorija Kolorado Springs” 2017

Cetvrta Teslina memorijalna konferencija

“Bezicni prenos elektricne energije – Teslina laboratorija Kolorado Springs”

(New Yorker hotel, Njujork, SAD, 8. januar 2017)

Izvestaj o realizovanim aktivnostima

Njujork (SAD), Beograd (Srbija), 14. januar 2017.


Jedna od najvaznijih godisnjih aktivnosti “Tesline naucne fondacije” (The Tesla Science Foundation – TSF) je odrzavanje “Tesline memorijalne konferencije” u Njujorku (SAD),u hotelu Njujorker, u kome je Nikola Tesla proveo poslednjih 10 godina svog zivota, gde je i preminuo 7. januara 1943. godine. Ovogodisnja konferencija je odrzana 8. januara na temu “Bezicni prenos elektricne energije – Teslina laboratorija Kolorada Springs”, i pratilo ju je oko 20.000 Teslinih postovalaca putem prenosa uzivo na fejsbuku.


Konferenciju je otvorila generalni konzul Republike Srbije u Njujorku Mirjana Zivkovic, koja je izrazila licnu zahvalnost “Teslinoj naucnoj fondaciji” na ogromnim naporima koje ulaze o ocuvanje Teslinog nasledja i naglasila pomoc koju je Ministarstvo inostranih poslova Republike Srbije pruzilo organizaciji ovog dogadjaja. Prema njenim recima, ova konferencija je jos jedan od napora da Teslino ime i njegov doprinos celom covecanstvu postanu poznatijiji sirom sveta, kao i njegovi visoko postavljeni moralni principi na dobrobit sadasnjih ali i buducih generacija.


Zvezdana Stojanovic Skat, direktor za komunikacije “Tesline naucne fondacije” je prisutnim gostima (ali i svima koji su konferenciju pratili putem Interneta) predstavila aktivnosti fondacije koje su realizovane u prethodnom periodu. Jedan od projekata koji je u fazi izrade je dokumentarni film autora Zeljka Mirkovica pod nazivom “Teslin narod” u kome ce biti predstavljeni istaknuti predstavnici srpskog naroda ali i postovalaca dela Nikole Tesle sirom sveta. Fondaciji su se, kako je naglasila, prikljucila dva mlada umetnika/vajara – Bojan Mikulic iz Banja Luke u Republici Srpskoj i Luka Radojevic koji zivi i stvara na relaciji Rusija-Italija. Oni su izradili bronzane statue Nikole Tesle koje su dodeljene gradovima i institucijama sirom sveta koji neguju ocuvanje nasledja jednog od najvecih nasih, ali svetskih naucnika: Frenklin institutu u Filadelfiji (Pensilvanija, SAD), gradu Roveju (Nju Dzerzi, SAD), gradu Leskovcu (Srbija), Njujorker hotelu na Menhetnu (Njujork, SAD), Basti naroda u Klivlendu (Ohajo, SAD), ambasadi SAD u Beogradu (Srbija), Gradskom parku u Banja Luci (Republika Srpska), Univerzitetu u Izmiru (Turska), Elektrotehnickom fakultetu u Kosovskoj Mitrovici (S1rbija)… U buducnosti je predvidjeno da svaka skola sa imenom Nikole Tesle dobije posebnu plaketu fondacije. Uspostavljena je i nastavljena saradnja sa mnogobrojnim organizacijama kao sto su Art institute u Filadelfiji, koji je izradio deo promotivnih filmova fondacije, muzejom Nikola Tesla u Beogradu. Pokrenuto je takmicenje osnovnih i srednjih skola u Srbiji u poznavanju lika i dela naseg velikog naucnika. Prvu nagradu je osvojila Tehnicka skola Nikola Tesla u Jagodini kojoj je Fondacija tim povodom dodelila bronzani reljef sa Teslinim likom. U narednom periodu se ocekuje otvaranje ogranaka TSF u Atini (Grcka), Stokholmu (Svedska) i Arizoni (SAD). Oformljena je putujuca izlozba pod nazivom “Tesla – proslost, sadasnjost, buducnost”, najveca nakon izlozbene postavke Muzeja Nikola Tesla u Beogradu. U 2015. godini TSF je prosirila svoju mrezu osnivanjem ogranka u Srbiji – Teslina Naucna fondacija Srbija. Fondacija radi i na jednom novom projektu – TeslaTalk virtualnoj televiziji koja ce povezati Tesline entuzijaste sirom planete. Pruzena je pomoc mnogobrojnim autorima knjiga i filmova o Tesli. U Americi Fondacija saradjuje sa mnogobrojnim organizacijama i pojedincima – Teslinim naucnim centrom u Vonderklifu, Teslinim memorijalnim drustvom u Njujorku, kompanijom Tesla motors, Teslinim institutom u Brazilu i drugo. Naredna manifestacija ce biti odrzana jula ove godine u Beogradu ali ce biti organizovano i jedno putovanje kroz nekoliko evropskih zemalja u kojima je Tesla ziveo i radio. Zvezdana Stojanovic Skat je zakljucila svoj izvestaj konstatacijom da su svi clanovi Tesline naucne fondacije volonteri – naucnici, muzicari, umetnici, nastavnici i svi drugi.


Istoricar Njujorker hotela Dzo Kini (Joe Kinney), poslednjih 20 godina vodi zainteresovane posetioce kroz Teslin boravak u ovom hotelu od 1933. do 1943. godine (kao gost sobe 3328), pokazujuci im i hotelsku izlozbu o nasem velikom naucniku. “Skoro da nema dana da neko ne dodje u hotelski lobi i zatrazi da vidi sobu u kojoj je ziveo Tesla” naglasio je Kini i izneo misljenje “da je Tesla izabrao zivot u hotelu zato sto tako nije morao da brine o pranju vesa, spremanju obroka, spremanju zivotnog prostora, vec je mogao da se posveti samo ostvarenju svog cilja. Nju Jorker je izabrao zato sto je bio blizu njegovoj laboratoriji ali i zato sto je to bio hotel sa najsavremenijim tehnoloskim resenjima toga doba, sto je bilo predstavljeno na cetiri strane magazina “Popularna nauka” iz aprila 1930. godine”.


Posetioci konferencije su zatim videli dokumentarni film koji su o svojoj skoli napravili ucenici srednje Elektrotehnicke i gradjevinske skole “Nikola Tesla” iz Jagodine, koja od 1995. godine nosi to ime, i u kojoj je tada radilo 34 odeljenja sa vise od 1.000 ucenika. Januara 2012. sa radom se nastavlja u novoj zgradi sa 14 klasicnih ucionica i 28 kabineta, laboratorija i specijalizovanih ucionica opremljenih po najvisim standardima. Na prvom takmicenju u organizaciji “Tesline naucne fondacije” tokom maja i juna 2016. godine, o poznavanju Teslinog zivota, pronalazaka ali i osnova elektrotehnike i fizike, ucenici ove skole Zana Mariana Prokic i Ivan Stojkovic osvojili su prvo odnosno drugo mesto u kategoriji srednjih skola. skola u Srbiji koje nose Teslino ime. Oboje su naglasili da su veoma zadovoljni uslovima koje imaju za ucenje ali i kompletnim nastavnickim kadrom skole.


Nakon ovog filma koji je pokazao da nema potrebe da brinemo da li ce mladi nastaviti Teslinim putem, publici se obratio Heri Ong (Harry Oung), vodeci elektroinzenjer u kompaniji “Checkpoint Systems Inc” iz Nju Dzerzija i jedan od direktora “Tesline naucne fondacije” iz Filadelfije. On je odrzao predavanje na temu “Od rezonancije kroz zicu do pravog bezicnog prenosa” u kome je predstavio pojam vibracija sa elektricnog, zvucnog i mehanickog stanovista. Posebno se posvetio Teslinom kalemu kao “tanjiru koji se vrti” i procesu transmisije bezicnog prenosa. Oung se u svom proucavanju Teslinog resenja bezicnog prenose energije bavio i matematickim jednacinama kojima je to Tesla objasnjavao.


Kako Tesla moze da bude motivator mladim narastajima da se bave inovacijama predstavila je Esli Redfrn (Ashley Redfearn), profesor u Takoni akademi carter skoli (Taconi Academy Charter School) u Filadelfiji i direktor za oblast edukacije “Tesline naucne fondacije”. Po njenim recima, svi nastavnici i profesori se na pocetku srecu sa pitanjem kako da motivisu ucenike da uce, kako podstaci njihov entuzijazam. Kod Tesle je pronasla taj element u samoj ideji da se realizacijom njegovih ideja pomaze opstoj dobrobiti covecanstva. Decu posebno inspirise da licno mogu izvesti neke jednostavnije eksperimente i da se tokom tog procesa bave i resavanjem nekih problema. Cak i ona deca koja nisu naklonjena tehnologiji se mogu motivisati citanjem knjiga o Tesli i njegovom radu, kako je svako od njih sposoban da ucestvuje u nekoj od promena nasih zivota.


Professor kompjuterskih i informacionih tehnologija na Delevar stejt univerzitetu (Deleware Stete University) David Pokrajac (Dragoljub Pokrajac) je odrzao predavanje na temu “Metodologija istrazivanja u nauci i tehnologiji”. Iako smatra da je tesko definisati pojam nauke, po njemu to je “organizovan sistematski napor u cilju objasnjavanja pojava oko nas. Sa druge strane, upravo ono sto nam jos nije jasno predstavlja motivisuci faktor da trazimo resenja”. Svaki naucnik se trudi da po osnovu prethodnih teorija iznalazi “jedan korak napred” u objasnjavanju funkcionisanja naseg univerzuma. Nauka je istovremeno i kultura, kultura rasprave, zdravog kriticizma smatra i dr Pokrajac a pravi naucnici su uobicajeno skromni ljudi.


Dzordz Brden (George Burden III), visi racunovodja u racunovodstvenoj i konsultantskoj firmi “William R. Maslo” iz Redinga u Pensilvaniji (Reading, PA) i veliki postovalac Nikole Tesle je kroz predavanje “Sta se desilo sa bezicnim prenosom energije?” predstavio rad Gerija Petersona, takodje velikog poznavaoca Nikole Tesle posebno u oblasti bezicnih tehnologija. Putem nekoliko grafickih slajdova Brden je predstavio Teslin rad u laboratorija u Kolorado Springsu i Vordenklifu na polju modela bezicnog prenosa energije.


Predsednik ogranka “Tesline naucne fondacije” u Grckoj i buduci CEO “Tesla Science Foundation International” Olivia Paranos, advokat u oblasti brodskog transporta, je predstavila znacaj uvodjenja price o Tesli u skolske sisteme sirom sveta, na cemu ce ona prvo raditi u Grckoj.


Suzan Kornacki-Manevic (Susan Kornacki-Manewich), predsednik organizacije “New Energy Movement” je odrzala predavanje pod nazivom “Zvucno vodjstvo u promenama ka nastajanju novih tehnologija”. Govorila je o znacaju povezivanja ljudi sirom sveta koji su spremni da uloze svoje vreme u projekte koji ce doneti koristi citavom covecanstvu. Tim povodom je izmedju organizacije kojom predsedava i “Tesline naucne fondacije” sklopljen strateski partnerski odnos saradnje.


Davin Klender, koordinator komercijalne izgradnje u kompaniji “Time Warner Cable”, je govorio o znacaju inovatora i pronalazaca u cilju poboljsanja uslova za zivot na nasoj planeti i o znacaju koji je potreban da se mladi ukljuce sto vise u te procese. “Ne morate biti ekspert, dovoljno je da budete radoznali” naglasio je Klender. Takodje je pomenuo mogucnost da se u Srbiju, preciznije grad Jagodinu, prenesu dva transformatora sa pocetka 20-og veka koje je jos Tesla koristio.


Nikolas Bajo (Nicholas A. Baio), konsultant u kompaniji CBH Global Development and Design (Niagara Falls, NY) i generalni direktor kompanije Worlds Fair USA, odrzao je predavanje “Teslin inovacioni centar za energiju voda”. Naglasak je stavio na mogucnostima za razvoj odrzive poljoprivrede i transporta, dalji razvoj dobijanja energije iz obnovljivih izvora (Ujedinjene nacije su objavile da je u toj oblasti trenutno zaposleno oko 6,5 miliona ljudi). Bajo je ovom prilikom najavio svetsku izlozbu EXPO 2025 koja bi trabala da se odrzi u gradu Niagara Falls u Bafalu (Buffalo) ciji ce glavni moto biti razvoj takozvanih “zelenih tehnologija”.


Jedan od ucesnika konferencije iz Evrope je bio i gradonacelnik Zagreba, glavnog grada Hrvatske, Milan Bandic koji se zahvalio na tome da je Zagreb prepoznat kao grad koji neguje nasledje Nikole Tesle. Konferenciji je prisustvovala i Dragica Mihajlovic, predsednik organizacije “Tesla – Genije za buducnost” iz Zagreba.


Seri Kumar (Sherry Kumar), organizator organizacije Eurocircle i clan UO i direktor za posebne dogadjaje “Tesline naucne fondacije”, je predstavila dva zanimljiva putovanja tokom kojih ce ucesnici moci da upoznaju mesta u Evropi u kojima je Tesla ziveo i stvarao. Prva, sedmodnevna, tura pocinje 6. jula u glavnom gradu Srbije Beogradu, tokom koje ce, izmedju ostalog, biti poseceni muzej Nikole Tesle i kraljevski dvor porodice Karadjordjevic. Zatim se odlazi do Sremskih Karlovaca i Fruske Gore, sa obilaskom divnih srpskih manastira. Sledeca dva dana su predvidjena za obilazak Crne Gore i njena dva bisera, starih gradova Kotora i Budve, i tura se zavrsava trodnevnom posetom hrvatskom gradu Dubrovniku. Drugu turu ce voditi predsednik “Tesline naucne fondacije” Nikola Loncar, koja takodje krece iz Beograda (poseta muzeju Nikole Tesle i prijem na dvoru kraljevske porodice Karadjordjevic) a zatim se krece za Smiljan, rodno mesto Nikole Tesle da bi se taj deo zavrsio u Zagrebu, glavnom gradu Hrvatske. Potom se odlazi do slovenackog grada Maribora u kome je Tesla imao svoje prvo zaposlenje, da bi se putovanje nastavilo ka austrijskom gradu Gracu u kome je Tesla studirao tehnicke nauke. “Teslin put po Evropi” dalje vodi ka Pragu, glavnom gradu Ceske, u kome je Tesla studirao filozofiju, da bi se preko Budimpeste, glavnog grada Madjarske (u kojoj je Tesla radio kao glavni elektricar u lokalnoj telefonskoj kompaniji), ponovo stiglo u Beograd.


Robert Satrlend Koen (Robert I. Sutherland-Cohen), pisac knjige “Tesla za pocetnike” (“Tesla for Beginners”) je ukazao na cinjenicu da se mnogi savremeni uredjaji koje koristimo zasnivaju na Teslinim pronalascima (mobilni telefoni, kompjuteri, radio, elektricni aparati i dr). On je takodje najavio izgradnju replike Tesline kule iz Kolorado Springsa u srpskom gradu Jagodini.


Poslednji ucesnik je bio Mano Divina, muzicki direktor “Divina hand Ensemble” i jedan od direktora TeslaTalk.TV projekta. ali i muzicki ambasador “Tesline naucne fondacije”. On je ukazao na cinjenicu da je Tesla imao veliki uticaj na razvoj muzike i da se sve vise uspostavlja veza Nikole Tesle i razlicitih vidova umetnosti.


Teslina memorijalna konferencija “Bezicni prenos elektricne energije – Teslina laboratorija Kolorado Springs” je zavrsena dodelom nagrada najzasluznijim pojedincima i saradnicima “Tesline naucne fondacije”: Heri Ong (Harry Oung) je dobitnik “Teslas People” medalje za svoj rad kao clan UO Fondacije za 2016-u godinu a posebna priznanja su dobili Sem Mejson (Sam Mason) za organizaciju Fondacijskih izlozbi, Anamarija Stepanovic za pokretanje srpske skole “Nikola Tesla” pri hramu srpske pravoslavne crkve svetog Luke u Vasingtonu, Elektrotehnicka i gradjevinska skola Nikola Tesla u Jagodini, kao i sam grad Jagodina. Za najbolju prezentaciju i ucesce u velikom broju dosadasnjih konferencija u organizaciji ”Tesline naucne fondacije” Gavid pokrajac je takodje dobio “Teslas People” medalju. Voditelj konferencije i PR direktor “Tesline naucne fondacije” je dobitnik knjiga o Tesli za svoj rad u vezi sa konferencijom a Kevin Vud (Kevin Wood) je za snimateljski rad dogadjaja fondacije u prethodnim godinama dobio “Teslas People” medalju. Za svoj rad na izradi Internet stranice “Tesline naucne fondacije” ali i njenih fejsbuk stranica, “Teslas People” medalju je dobila Milica Savic, akademski slikar i Art&Technology direktor iz Beograda. Medalju je dobio i Majkl Ildorado za svoj umetnicki rad. Svestenik crkve svetog Save u Njujorku Zivojin Jakovljevic je dobitnik nagade a njegova crkva je dobila sliku, portret Nikole Tesle. Dragica Mihajlovic, predsednik organizacije “Tesla – Genije za buducnost” iz Zagreba je dobitnik kristalne nagrade “Tesline naucne fondacije” iz Filadelfije kao i gradonacelnik Zagreba Milan Bandic za doprinos ocuvanja Teslinog nasledja. Tom prilikom je predsednik fondacije Nikola Loncar najavio zajednicki skup studenata pravnih fakulteta u Zagrebu i Beogradu, marta ili aprila ove godine na Pravnom fakultetu u Beogradu, na kome bi se razgovaralo o principima koje je Tesla postavio u smislu opste dobrobiti za covecanstvo. Nagradu je primila i Mirjana Zivkovic, generalni konzul Republike Srbije u Njujorku, u vidu “Teslas people” medalje i umetnickog portreta Nikole Tesle, koja je izrazila zadovoljstvo da u ime Vlade Republike Srbije moze da pomaze aktivnosti fondacije koje sirom sveta pronose ime i delo Nikole Tesle.

Osim nagradjenih u SAD, u Republici Srbiji nagradu su dobile i :

– Izdavacka kuca Beckerek, Duga Radovanov, autor knjige “Tesla”, gospodin Milan Matic koji u saradnji sa Teslinom Naucnom Fondacijom iz SAD radi ovu knjigu za potrebe upotrebe u skolskom programu u SAD.

– Radovan Zdrale, autor trilogije “Gospodar Munja” , knjiga koja ce se prevesti na engleski jezik radi upotrebe u skolskom programu SAD.

– Grad Jagodina, za saradnju povodom projekta “Izgradnja tesline Laboratorije”

– Marija Bogdanovic, profesor, skola Nikola Tesla, Jagodina, za dugogodisnju saradnju za TNF i rad sa studentima na temu Nikola Tesla


President/ Founder Nikola Loncar about Tesla Science Foundation – ”Wireless Transmission of Electric Energy” 2017

by Tesla
President/ Founder Nikola Loncar about Tesla Science Foundation – ”Wireless Transmission of Electric Energy” 2017

It is time to take the next step in the work and organization of the Tesla Science Foundation, due to the high demand in which the Tesla organization has grown internationally. We are one of the most active groups in the world. We have heard from Tesla enthusiasts all over the world who want to open a local Tesla club and expect a program and networking in our system. To achieve this, we started the TeslaTalk.TV project and forming a Tesla nation network.

Our first meetings were held in libraries, scientific institutions, museums, schools, and universities (these will still continue); however, it is imperative to have specialized Tesla Club rooms. We would like to have everything in one location in order to have a bookstore, art gallery, exhibition space, and studio space to hold webinars, meetings, lectures; a common meeting place for Tesla enthusiasts to exchange ideas. By doing so, this would help us achieve a significant part of our mission and attract new members. Our TeslaTalk.TV communication center will be linked here; Tesla worldwide (our database currently stands at 12,000+) and each Tesla Club will be directly connected with us.

I believe that we would be able to create sufficient capital for self-supply, in order to, enable us to expand on new projects: printing and publishing books, recording, documentary films, financing small patent projects, scholarship costs for participation in scientific conferences, etc. We are open to all suggestions and invite you to cooperate.

We have our constant travelling exhibition, “Tesla: Past, Present, Future”, for which we are preparing a part that will be in a 3D format to show what the world would look like if we implemented all of Tesla’s ideas and inventions. The main objective of the exhibit is to motivate visitors to think about ways in which life on earth could be more beautiful and better. We think this is achievable if we all focused more and implemented Tesla’s ideas.

We have recently established a lab and studio in Belgrade in order to build a firmer connection with the homeland, where there is the largest number Tesla supporters in the world. We continue our cooperation with the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade, but also with all the enthusiasts who study and promote Tesla in cities across Serbia. In the future, Belgrade and Jagodina will be the main centers for maintaining “Days of Tesla”. The Tesla Science Foundation in the USA and its branch in Serbia will jointly organize the work. Our TeslaTalk.TV studio and lab in Philadelphia-PA Narberth has been our biggest investment project for the TSF. Hopefully, this will bring the desired results and all of us working together. We invite you to give proposals for interviews with people who are engaged in various fields but also with significant members of the Tesla nation. We are all the people of Tesla.

For a long time, we have been working with the school in Philadelphia in an experimental program known as the “Introduction of Tesla in the School System”. We have connected and collaborated with the Nikola Tesla School in Jagodina. This program is our most important program to definitely incorporate Tesla in its rightful place in our education system, in the USA and throughout the world.

Multiple times per year, we award prizes to individuals and constituencies who have done something significant in terms of promoting the works of Nikola Tesla. Awards and prizes include Tesla medals, Tesla’s people medals, mini bust of Tesla, Tesla Spirit Award at several levels, and a large bust of Tesla; there are the seven levels by the size of the work, which has been done. Thus far, we have assigned all awards of which we knew of and we expect proposals for the new winners.

Our desire is to take part in the work of one of our centers and in some of our projects. All of you who did not access the platform http://www.meetup.com/ntesla-38/ are invited to do so in the coming days in order to make communications easier.

I wish you all a Happy 2017 New Year with Tesla in new victories and a better life!

Here’s how you can follow our program:




Warmest regards,

Nikola Loncar
Founder & President
Tesla Science Foundation
Skype: Nikola.Loncar32
Phone: +1 484 955 0545

2016 Report – The Tesla Science Foundation

by Tesla
2016 Report  – The Tesla Science Foundation

Since our founding, the Tesla Science Foundation has been  organizing monthly meetings in Philadelphia , where the new members are introduced, including scientists, book writers, inventors, and others who come tell about what they do that is connected to Nikola Tesla.

In 2014, Tesla’s People project was started. With the film director Zeljko Mirkovic, we are making a Tesla Nation film and  a television series about people that are involved in Tesla projects.

Two artists, Bojan Mikulic and Luka Radojevic, joined the team. They create beautiful pieces of artwork and our organization donates their work to the institutions who can further spread the knowledge about Tesla.  They made it  possible for us to make this idea come true.

So far, 9 bronze busts of Tesla have been donated to the following institutions:

Franklin Institute of Science in Philadelphia: This was the result of several years of relationship with the Franklin Institute. The TSF takes part in the Science Fair every year, as special guests. The reception and the ceremony of a Tesla bust unveiling was held, where the representatives of the institute, of the city of Philadelphia, representatives of the consulates and embassies amongst many other guests. Local and international media were also present.


Town of Rahway,NJ:  Nikola Tesla was a town resident and owner of Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing company in 1887.

Many people there remember Tesla, and we were welcomed by the town’s Mayor and the town’s representatives for the ceremony. Tesla’s bust now proudly stands where once his first electric street lights were installed at the Rahway Train Station.

City of Leskovac and “To Build Tesla’s Tower in Serbia” organization. A relief plaque of Nikola Tesla was also donated to the hydroelectric power plant  Vucje near Leskovac, one of ten of that type built in Serbia, made in the same principles like Tesla’s Niagara Falls.

The New Yorker hotel in Manhattan: Where Tesla lived and worked, where thousands of people  every month will be able to see it and learn about Tesla.

The Cleveland Cultural Gardens: in the city of Cleveland, where a previously installed bust of Tesla had been stolen in the previous year.

-American Embassy in Belgrade, Serbia, at the special ceremony during the Anniversary of celebration of the only day that Nikola Tesla, a Serbian American inventor was visiting Belgrade.

Banja Luka, in Republika Srpska for the main city park, located prominently in front of their courthouse.

University of Izmir, Turkey,  for their sculptural garden and to mark the cooperation between the two organizations.

Electrical Engineering University in Kosovska Mitrovica, in the Serbian province called Kosovo and Metohija. Tesla’s mother Djuka comes from the area which is also considered the cradle of the Serbian State.

The Voluntary center in Denmark, that named their school after Nikola Tesla.


The purpose of all of these donations are to further promote Tesla, make him seen again and noticed, to provoke questions and teach people about who he was and all of the wonderful things he did for the humanity.

Through our program, with several levels of donations, we also donate bronze plaques, our “Tesla Spirit Awards”, to every school that begins using Tesla’s curriculum, that we started with our good friends, the Tacony Academy in Philadelphia. Tacony Academy was our partner in building the Tesla Curriculum, one of the most important projects that we continue working on.

The TSF also awarded dozens of deserving individuals with mini Tesla busts, medals or coins:


The Serbian Orthodox Church in NYC received a bronze relief, for all of their help and their welcoming hands in NYC. 

-A Nikola Tesla relief plaque went to the Tesla Gallery at the Discovery Museum in Little Rock, Arkansas.

-In the future, every school named after Nikola Tesla will get a plaque as a present from our foundation.

-The TSF is working with many groups and institutions like the Art Institute of Philadelphia, who are creating promotional videos for the foundation.


The TSF takes part in the Evolve Festival Every year.

The TSF connected with the UN, and with the UNESCO. 

The organization took part in the Tesla Conference in Belgrade in 2015, organized by another Tesla group from Serbia, as well as  the Conference in Izmir, Turkey, organized by the Turkish Tesla organization.

Since the founding, the TSF organizes two annual conferences in the US, one in July in Philadelphia as a Tesla birthday celebration and one in NYC in January, for the commemoration of his death.

In 2015, the TSF expanded the organization by adding the Tesla Science Foundation chapter in Serbia. Two very successful events were held there, they consisted of  art and science exhibits, concerts, lectures, meetings. The organization worked with the Tesla Museum in Belgrade and many other Tesla related organizations and individuals.

 A annual student competition in knowledge about Nikola Tesla and his inventions was started in Belgrade.  The best school (Nikola Tesla School in Jagodina) and students received the bronze plaque for their school and children were invited to the capitol to receive the awards and visit Tesla museum.

The TSF is currently working on starting chapters in Athens, Stockholm, and Sedona, Arizona.

A Tesla Traveling exhibit was created by the Foundation, called “Tesla , Past, Present and Future”, the largest one after the Tesla Museum in Belgrade. The organization installs it in different educational institutions around the US, for more people to learn about the scientist, his life, his inventions and accomplishments.


The TSF is currently working on Tesla TalkTV.  Tesla Talk will be a virtual internet TV station, connecting  Tesla enthusiasts from all around the globe. It will be a base of all of the Tesla’s people and projects. At the moment, two studios are being equipped,  in Belgrade and Philadelphia.


Since 2008, the TSF  has held around 200 meetings, conferences, lectures and promotions. The TSF facebook pages have over 20,000 people that follow the work of the organization. Tesla Talk and Webinars are used to connect with people from all around the world.

The TSF has helped MANY people write books and make films about Tesla.

The organization also maintains an extensive art and memorabilia collection about Tesla.


In the US, the TSF has been working with different Tesla organizations, like Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe, The Tesla Memorial Society of New York, Tesla Museum, Tesla Motors, Nikola Tesla Institute in Brazil and others.

The organization is always looking for partners, new ideas and projects.

Another celebration of Tesla is being planned in Belgrade, Serbia for 2017.

The festivities will include several days in the capitol and several days of travel to Tesla’s birth place, museum in Croatia where he lived, Belgrade museum -with the largest collection of the artifacts, and where his ashes are, to the hydroelectric plants based on his inventions. The travel may include other European places in Tesla’s path.

The members of the Tesla Science Foundation  are all volunteers, scientists, artists, musicians, teachers. They all work hard and try to make the difference in recognizing our genius and his wonderful ideas.

Zvezdana Stojanovic Scott