Call for Papers Memorial Conference „Nikola Tesla: Past, Present, Future“ 13th January 2018 New York – USA
Call for Papers Today Nikola Tesla has been recognized as a beacon for some of the most groundbreaking research being conducted around the world. The work, life and legacy of Nikola Tesla has forever changed life on earth. His new popularity inspires people of all ages to investigate the historical prevalence of his devices leading to breakthrough research in fields such as medical, technology, energy and many more. To address this ever-expanding knowledge base of Nikola Tesla related research, we invite you for your personal contribution to enrich realisation of the Memorial Conference “Tesla: Past,Present, Future” on the higest academician level. The Conference will be held on Saturday, January13th in Manhattan, New York at the Wyndham New Yorker Hotel. The program is being organized by the Tesla Science Foundation in cooperation with the Tesla Museum of Belgrade, Tacony Academy, Teslianum, and the Franklin Institute.
This conference will highlight recent efforts to vindicate Tesla in academia through research on Tesla related technology, economics, art, philosophy and science. Contributors will be published in the Tesla Science Foundation’s book entitled “Nikola Tesla: Past, Present, Future”.
Examples of subjects to be considered for this conference include, but are not limited to:
• Empowering educators with the Tesla pedagogy
• Innovative methods of engaging students from all academic backgrounds based on NikolaTesla legacy
• What can the national S.T.E.A.M. initiative learn from Nikola Tesla?
• How would Tesla technology affect U.S. and international economies?
• How can the high energy physics of Tesla technology inspire art?
• What are the political hurdles associated with Tesla’s legacy?
• How has the technology of Tesla’s earlier patents changed over time?
• What are the risks associated with Tesla technology?
• How have measurement devices changed over time?
• What does the future hold for Tesla’ wireless telecommunication given bases?
• What can be done to expedite a Tesla technology inspired industrial renaissance?
Submissions from the outside of the United States are welcome. Submissions of research by academic scholars and independent researchers are encouraged.
Conference participants will be chosen based on the manuscripts they submit. The deadline for submissions is November 1st, 2017. Those chosen to present will be notified no later than November 15th, 2017. The final selection of the participants will be announced on November 30th, 2017.
Please send your work using template on the last page, no later than November 1st, 2017.
Template instructions
We want to please you to prepare you PowerPoint Presentation on the template based on five slides in maximum 15 minutes of presentation – each of them 2-3 minutes.
The Slides titles are:
1st slide: Introducing note of your presentation – Main Idea or Proposal
2nd slide: On which way your work is related with Nikola Tesla work, patents, ideas, legacy
3rd slide: What do you need to the develop your proposal in Future
4th slide: On wich way your Proposal will have an Impact on the worldwide development
5th slide: Final statement and your short bio – five sentences