TESLA: SPIRITUAL CHARACTER, authored by Presbyter Oliver Subotic, a priest of the Serbian Orthodox Church
The book TESLA: SPIRITUAL CHARACTER, authored by Presbyter Oliver Subotic, a priest of the Serbian Orthodox Church, covers everything I have personally searched for for years and have not been able to find anywhere. In addition, the list of references used at the end of that book is a real treasure trove of information for further research. Currently, this book can be purchased at the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade (which is a co-publisher) and in the store of the Faculty of Theology, which is located across the street from the Serbian Patriarchate. For years, the Tesla Science Foundation has been awarding medals and carvings called the Tesla Spirit Awards. This book and its author definitely deserve recognition for the great carving of the Tesla Spirit Awards.
TESLA by Milovan Matic
“Few scientists worldwide can be said to have marked one whole age in the progress of human civilization. Nikola Tesla is one of the few. And more: he laid the foundations to an era which was yet to come after his own life and which has managed materialize a considerable number of his visions. But that is not the end to it: his inventions and ideas are still awaiting some future moments when their full purpose will show in full light. Interest in his ideas – both the materialized and unrealized one – has never lessened; contrariwise, it keeps growing every day. many a scientist seeks solutions ta at least one of his projects. Like few individuals in the history of humankind, Tesla invariably inspires scientist and artists by his work and his life alike. He depicted the development of modern society and engineering science, predicting the course to be taken by technologies, wireless communication, computer science; likewise, he envisaged the further usage of new materials or the speed of information transmission that could be relied on in an effort to reduce political tensions between nations. Not many are aware of the fact that Nikola Tesla was a pioneer in environmentalism, that he – like his father – was an opponent to war policies, that he advocated true peace in the world, saying that the humanity was to unite, that Christianity and Buddhism were the religions of the future, that the third millennium would be an age of women, etc. Shortly, Nikola Tesla has left a legacy for all ages and all future generations, and we are paying a little part of debt to him in this modest way. It is our hope that this book, published in an age of visual media, will reach a broad readership that will include both the people who are familiar with Tesla’s achievements and significance and those who have just started to discover them.” Milovan Matic, author.

Tesla’s Words is a creative non-fiction book that utilizes exhaustive research and re-creation drama to enrich a classic text with additional information, context, and immersive flare in order to highlight previously unexplored aspects of Nikola Tesla’s life and also reinforce his genius. The book offers an informative experience that is easy to enjoy and guides the reader on an extraordinary voyage of Tesla’s actual words.
TESLA’S Wonderful World – Nikola Tesla’s Life, Work and Doctrine by Branimir Jovanovic
We live in a time of unprecedented technical discovery, leading to a more complete mastering of the forces of nature and the neutralization of time and space. But this development, although contributing to our comfort, comfort and safety of life, does not go towards true culture and enlightenment. On the contrary, it is destructive for ideals … The real cause of the destruction of the people is the inability of mankind to solve SOCIAL, MORAL, and SPIRIT problems. As long as the struggle for existence is such that only the most adapted can survive, there is a healthy development of the rule of individualism. When the reaction mechanisms are eliminated from the individual, the original effort and initiative are suppressed, and creative abilities are broken, the race gradually sinks into savagery and disappears. A similar end threatens our civilization today. – Nikola Tesla DR. BRANIMIR JOVANOVIĆ was born in 1955 in Belgrade, where he finished elementary school, gymnasium and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. In the Museum of Nikola Tesla he has been working since the beginning of his professional career until 2001, on the positions of the archivist and curator, and then also the Director of the Museum. Almost all research and scientific work was dedicated to understanding the personality and work of Nikola Tesla. He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade with the theme ” Teslin’s contribution to the development of aviation ” , received his MA in 1987 at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb in the field of history and philosophy of science at Tesla Mechanical Oscillators, and received his Ph.D. in 1995 at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade with the theme ” Teslin contribution to the methodology of research in mechanical engineering”. He is the author of numerous professional and scientific papers, books and lectures in the field of the history of science, especially about Tesla’s contributions.

The original book in Serbian is a loose translation of the letter written in English, by hand, that Nikola Tesla wrote to a girl Pola,near the end of his life. The original letter is kept at the Tesla Museum in Belgrade titled: The Story of Youth told by Age dedicated to Miss Pola Fotich by its Narrator Nikola Tesla Tesla wrote this letter in 1939 (he was 83, died at 86) when he wrote this letter to 12 year old girl Pola Fotich, who was a daughter of Konstantin Fotich, Yugoslavian Ambassador to the USA.
TESLA The Wizard of Electricity by David Kent
Tesla was an eccentric genius who out Edisoned Edison and out Marconied Marconi. Born of modest means in what is now Croatia and later becoming a naturalized American citizen, Tesla’s inventions include the alternating current (AC) that powers our homes today, radio, wireless transmission, Xrays, and the electrifying Tesla coil. He even worked on development of direct energy weapons (death rays) and vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft. During his lifetime Tesla moved first to Paris, then to New York, and after a period of time in Colorado Springs back to New York City where he maintained two laboratories. Along the way he worked for Edison, then became his biggest rival, and formed friendships with such divergent personalities as George Westinghouse, Mark Twain, a pigeon, all while reflecting on a childhood cat. His idiosyncrasies included an obsession with numbers divisible by three, ardent gambling, and a near pathological fear of germs. He rarely slept more than a few hours at a time, often going days without rest. While generally soft spoken, he could be a consummate showman, often insisting that his Tesla coil be present while he lectured, seemingly shooting lightning bolts as he spoke. In the end he died alone and nearly penniless, having ceded perhaps billions of dollars in royalties to his friend George Westinghouse. This illustrated book takes us through Tesla’s life, his experiments and contributions to science, and brings us into his complex mind. Through ample use of his writings and interviews with the societies and inventors clubs that honor his name, we explore Tesla’s methods and discoveries, personality quirks, and his legacy for the modern world – both scientific and popular culture.

Wizard – The Life And Times Of Nikola Tesla, Biography of a Genius by Marc Seifer
“The story of one of the most prolific, independent, and iconoclastic inventors of this century . . . fascinating.”—Scientific American Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), credited as the inspiration for radio, robots, and even radar, has been called the patron saint of modern electricity. Based on original material and previously unavailable documents, this acclaimed book is the definitive biography of the man considered by many to be the founding father of modern electrical technology. Among Tesla’s creations were the channeling of alternating current, fluorescent and neon lighting, wireless telegraphy, and the giant turbines that harnessed the power of Niagara Falls. This essential biography is illustrated with sixteen pages of photographs, including the July 20, 1931, Time magazine cover for an issue celebrating the inventor’s career. “Wizard is a truly remarkable biography of a remarkable man. The expression ‘ahead of his time’ is used too loosely and too often today but in the case of Nikola Tesla ‘ahead of his time’ barely describes the genius of this man. Marc Seifer makes us understand not only the man but the times in which he lived.”—Nelson DeMille “A deep and comprehensive biography of a great engineer of early electrical science—likely to become the definitive biography. Highly recommended.”—American Association for the Advancement of Science “Vivid, revelatory . . . the fullest account yet of Tesla as an entrepreneur, experimental physicist and inventor.”—Publishers Weekly.