Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, US & The Tesla Science Foundation
The relationship between Franklin Institute and TSF started in 2010, when TSF held a lecture and showed Tesla exeriments in front of 120 children. TSF was invited that year to partipciate in the Franklin Science Fair and was invited ever since. Several times a year, TSF participates in special science programs at the museum. TSF organized the unveiling of a Tesla bust, donated by the TSF to the Franklin Institute of Science in Philadelphia in June or 2015. This bust is the part of the “electric room” at the museum, and is seen by the hundreds of thousands people every month. The reception was held, where the representatives of the institute, of the city of Philadelphia, Serbian consulate, and the Prime Minister of Republika Srpska, amongs many other guests and media were present.
Philadelphia Art Institute, USA & The Tesla Science Foundation
The relationship between Philadelphia Art Institute and TSF started thanks to the Professor Craig Dovidio and his students, which created dozens of promotional video material for the Tesla Science Foundation. Students were also involved in filming the special segments needed by the foundation, editing and presenting the videos about Nikola Tesla and foundation by itself.

Stony Brook University
The relationship between Philadelphia Art Institute and TSF started thanks to the Professor Craig Dovidio and his students, which created dozens of promotional video material for the Tesla Science Foundation. Students were also involved in filming the special segments needed by the foundation, editing and presenting the videos about Nikola Tesla and foundation by itself.
Tacony Academy Charter School, Philadelphia & The Tesla Science Foundation
Tacony Academy Charter School in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is leading the way in STEAM education by providing its students with access to accurate historical accounts of epic human ingenuity, hands-on high energy physics experiments, artistic expression through science/technology and the opportunity to make a difference by building a more sustainable world. Nikola Tesla’s story inspires people of all ages and backgrounds. The Tesla Science Foundation is proud to lead the way towards Tesla’s proper accreditation in academia and his total revival in popular science culture. The Tesla Science Foundation gives a very special thank you to Ashley Redfearn, Principal of Tacony Academy Charter School for giving us the opportunity to teach not only children, but the parents of these special children as well, about the life and legacy of the late great inventor, Nikola Tesla. The Tacony Academy was the first school in the United States to start working on Tesla curriculum, by holding assembly classes. The TSF members, educator are part of these classes, helping children learn about Nikola Tesla through art, music and science.

Delaware County Community College & The Tesla Science Foundation
Presentation and cooperation at TSF program ”STARTING A TESLA CLUB AT YOUR SCHOOL” How to organize a Tesla Club at your School? How can the Tesla Science Foundation (TSF) help? The first step was introducing to the students a Tesla’s life and work through classroom presentations or a school assembly, depending on the best fit for your school. TSF brought a display made by Tesla Museum and TSF and lead the initial presentation. After that, we will consult with interested students and faculty to prepare a mission statement and organize the club.
Monmouth Regional High School & The Tesla Science Foundation
Presentation and cooperation at TSF program ”STARTING A TESLA CLUB AT YOUR SCHOOL” How to organize a Tesla Club at your School? How can the Tesla Science Foundation (TSF) help? The first step was introducing to the students a Tesla’s life and work through classroom presentations or a school assembly, depending on the best fit for your school. TSF brought a display made by Tesla Museum and TSF and lead the initial presentation. After that, we will consult with interested students and faculty to prepare a mission statement and organize the club.

Voyagers Community School & The Tesla Science Foundation
Voyagers Community School hosted informational programs, conferences, seminars and professional development series. They introduced expos, each focused on innovation in science, technology, engineering, art and math and open to all ages. The first theme was tinkering, innovating and making things. Exhibitors included the Tesla Science Foundation with Nikola Tesla patent replicas.
University of Law & The Tesla Science Foundation
Cooperation between TSF and the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade, Serbia, began in 2017 by connecting TSF and student union ,,Lumnis”. Lumnis is a Committee within the Student Parliament of the Faculty of Law at the University of Belgrade. In order to improve the knowledge and experiences of students, TSF and Lumins will organize a series of debates, conferences and lectures regarding name and legacy of Nikola Tesla.

Singidunum University, Belgrade, Serbia & The Tesla Science Foundation
The first cooperation between TSF and Singidunum University began in 2016 under the name ,,Teslas People,, with representatives of Serbian Diaspora from various countries all over the world. Main goal of organized Conference was finding the solution for making rapprochement of Serbia and its Diaspora and determining of mutual interest to both sides, such as improving the exchange of students from the Diaspora – Serbia and Serbia – Diaspora. Many thanks to Mrs Slavka Draskovic on cooperation.
EPŠ Nikola Tesla Jagodina, Serbia & The Tesla Science Foundation
This school was the winner of the competition of the schools in knowledge about Nikola Tesla. Students created special videos that our foundation uses for mutual projects. This school is the recipient of the bronze relief donated to the school by the foundation, for their accomplishments in pioneering the teachings of Nikola Tesla. Many thanks to Mrs Marija Bogdanovic.

The Electrotechnical School “Nikola Tesla” in The City of Nis
Cooperation between Tesla Science Foundation and Electrotechnical School Nikola Tesla Nis – Serbia, began in 2018. when Mrs. Radmila Mitic and Mrs. Sonja Sumonja ( Sonia Shumonya ) – the teachers of this school with their students, participated in TSF Memorial Conference ,,Tesla Past, Present and Future,, New York with their video presentation ‘’ TESLA THEN AND NOW ’’
Primary School Dragomir Markovic, Krusevac
We are especially happy with Director Sasa Jeftic’s enthusiasm and dedication, and other Teachers of Primary School Dragomir Markovich from Krushevac ( Serbia ), as well as our organization Tesla Science Foundation Serbia and its board of Directors, which has been participating in the establishment and development of Tesla Science Clubs for years. Teachers and coordinators of Nikola Tesla Clubs in America are, besides everything, top artists, but above all, professionals of all Science disciplines. They introduce students through art, in a subtle and creative way to new technology and knowledge which gives excellent results in children. Every day is filled with entertainment not only for students and teachers but for their parents too.