Nikola Tesla Virtual Birthday Celebration – July 10, 1856

Please join us via Zoom!
For a virtual celebration of the great inventor’s birthday.
Enjoy a variety of presentations and demonstrations honoring the life and legacy of Tesla in modern science and education.
Saturday, July 11 from 3pm to 4:30pm EDT.
● Introduction to the Tesla Science Foundation: work and mission
● Reading of the Declaration of Energy Independence
● Motion Graphics demonstration and presentation of student work
● Starting a Tesla club at your school
● Guest Speaker, Michael Pravica PhD: How Tesla’s Ideas May Help Solve COVID-19
● Live Q&A
Click here to access the live Zoom event
We look forward to seeing you (virtually) in celebration of Nikola Tesla’s 164th birthday.
About our guest speaker:
Prof. Michael Pravica is an experimental condensed matter physicist and spectroscopist who earned his Bachelor’s from Caltech and his Masters and Ph.D. degrees from Harvard University. He is currently a professor or physics at the University of Nevada Las Vegas where he is developing useful hard x-ray photochemistry as a means to drive novel chemistry by harnessing the highly ionizing and highly penetrating properties of hard x-rays (>7keV).
How Tesla’s ideas may help solve COVID-19
Nikola Tesla taught humanity about the importance of resonance in nature. Like opening a door with the right key, by knowing and applying the resonance frequencies of natural systems, one could enable dramatic changes in these systems for better or for worse. For the past three months, I have been developing three ideas pertaining to defeating the novel coronavirus and patients suffering from COVID-19 using resonant x-rays and sound waves as a means to 1: damage the coronavirus in the hopes of creating a high quality vaccine” and 2: help improve lung function in COVID-19 patients. This talk will describe these ideas and discuss how they relate to Tesla’s concepts of resonance.