Serbian Developement Academy, SDA Belgrade, Serbia and The Tesla Science Foundation, USA If I will have the luck to
Српска развојна академија РАС Београд, Србија и Научна фондација Никола Тесла САД Ако будем имао среће да остварим барем
Details Tesla's experiments FREE, no registration required The Franklin Institute welcomes guests for a free evening of educational experiences that
2019 CALL FOR PAPERS The work, life and legacy of Nikola Tesla has forever changed life on earth. From the
Welcome! Join us on Diaspora Day! Take part in panel discussions, see the exhibit Diaspora Day is a program established
Драги пријатељи и сарадници Фондације "Лаза Костић", парохијани и поштоваоци Вазнесењске цркве у београдском насељу Жарково   По традицији, за св.
7. jул 2018. / 11:00-15:30 часова Булевар Пека Дапчевића (ул. Кумодрашка 261а), 11000 Београд, Србија, Универзитет Сингидунум ПРОГРАМ   10:30 –
The motive for creating a complex and ambitious Tesla’s People Project was identified by a number of problems that our
Nikola Tesla is Serbian scientist that spent the majority of his life in America. He resided in New York for
Dear Tesla members and enthusiasts, It is time to take the next step in the work and organization of the