TESLA PAST, PRESENT& FUTURE The 10th Anniversary of Tesla Science Foundation President, Members and Associates!

TESLA PAST PRESENT FUTURE ( ten years of work of Tesla Science Foundation President, Members and Associates! )
The Tesla Foundation (https://teslasciencefoundation.org/) was founded on July 10, 2004 under the name of “Nikola Tesla Inventors Club” in the Serbian Church, in Philadelphia. The Club attracted a large number of people, and in the year 2010 the Club obtained a non-profit status as “The Tesla Science Foundation.” Our mission remains the same: the promotion of Nikola Tesla’s life and work.
In 2013 we founded “The Tesla Science Foundation Serbia” and 2 sister organizations are tasked with closely collaborating.
Being successful is not easy, and irrespective of all the experiences, and all our energy invested, today we can proudly say that we have had over 200 meetings, classes, conferences and other events (https://www.meetup.com/ntesla-38).
Over 4 years ago during a meeting with the then Director of the Tesla Museum, Vladimir Jelenkovic, we agreed that every completed publication be verified and approved by the Tesla museum.
First we purchased the traveling exhibit from the Tesla Museum and also added the necessary equipment , so that we could more closely attract American children “Tesla past present end future”. Brian (yetzerstudio.com) has created interactive posters which have made children amazed. While they played with their smart phones, the kids also learned how Tesla patents work. The Art Institute has done promotional movies.
I received a letter from the Director of Tacony Academy Charter School, Ashley Redfearn. The most important was that the children get accurate information, in an understandable and pictographic manner, and we created the first school assembly.
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGyQu5HN7P8). Even with small preparation, the children’s interest was huge, but that gave us the indication that everything we do must be verified and accurate.
One teacher, from a l Tacony school, suggested that before we come to the school with our materials and in white coats, that the children create their own theater play.
And the idea is wonderful, we just needed a scenario. I knew what was necessary and what the children wanted, but I did not have the experience in writing scenarios, so for assistance I called upon the writer Gordana Pavlovic. In the basis of my material which I supplied to her, she worked on an embellished my text. Together we have accomplished writing a drama entitled “Tesla past present end future” ,both in Serbian and in English.
Before us lay another problem, however, namely that there is no real existing literature for teachers because everyone was writing what they could and much of the information is inaccurate. Existing books which are very good are too tough for students and their teachers. Again, I was faced with a problem. I chose Milovan Matic, who authored 12 books on Nikola Tesla. We spent some time together and brainstormed on how the book should look for the US market “Tesla past present end future”
Even though the work is constant we have given 9 Tesla busts and each year we give 1 organization a Tesla relief and many other gifts. Those busts are beautiful and will always remain a meaningful part of TSF and the collaboration with those institutions, but even there is a limit. The question arises: how many people will learn something from this, and the investment is quite serious.
TeslaTalk.TV has gained great interest. It is a digital platform which would have different channels:
-Tesla’s childhood
-Tesla’s life
-Tesla’s patents
-the spiritual life of Nikola Tesla
TESLA’S PEOPLE, a project whose goal is to bring together all of Tesla’s people across the world.
I have made 2 Tesla Talk studios and a Tesla lab: 1 in Narberth, a suburb of Philadelphia, and another in Zemun, Belgrade, Serbia. It is a large project which requires a lot of work and money
Most work, books, and scripts to date, have been financed by my family and myself. Yes, there were many volunteers who have helped with their work, but money always lacked. We were receiving a small portion as donations, but not nearly enough.
In order for our organization to survive, we are seeking a way for all those that work to be paid, and for that we are suggesting a study with defined priorities, so that our future work is precise.
2. School assembly programs
3. Tesla’s traveling exhibit “Tesla past present end future”
4. Tesla past, present, and future – a drama
5. A textbook for teachers “Tesla past, present, future”
6. Multiple levels of power point presentations “Tesla past, present, future”
7. A movie “Tesla past, present, future”
8. An electric Tesla bus
9. A Tesla lab
10. A Tesla summer camp for kids and adults
11. Tesla’s people (connecting Tesla’s people globally)
12. Nikola Tesla Inventors Club
Our mission will still remain the same: we will promote individuals who do not have access to large finances. I believe that ideas come from individuals and not science institutions and the people who work in them. We will develop the innovative spirit and positive thinking with the youngest population. Our life on this planet will be much better if we go on TESLA’S PATH. Tesla left us many solutions, some completely finished, and some which still need work.
The development of the creative spirit and positive thinking will make Tesla’s dream come true. With the beautiful we shall extinguish the ugly for the better good of us all.
Our main goal is the promotion of Tesla, his life and his work. For many of us, the spiritual life of a great scientists – inventor is very interesting, along with his philosophy on life and view of a beautiful and positive future.
For years Tesla was kept secret and ignored, particularly by science foundations, whose job was to show the truth, and not lies. A great number of “scientists” simply went with the flow of the system in order to remain in their positions, just as they do today. We can confirm this by looking at the situation with the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) where a large number of scientists allow many products which are not only not good, but are damaging to human health and cause many illnesses, to be produced. A huge amount of capital stands behind the FDA and corporations which produce “death”, and they hide the truth from the public eye while the “scientists” who fear for their careers are SILENT.
Here we have taken the example of the FDA because it is the easiest for all of us to understand, because we are in daily contact with food, which to say the least should be banned. Capital should be taken away from the corporations which poisoned people for decades, and they should be re-educated to treat the people who got illnesses and diseases from their products. Food which is sold, particularly US produced meat, is full of hormones, and fabricated food with an appeal look and loaded with sugar and dye, which particularly damages children and causes diabetes, is largely increasing. Much more of this is on the rise from the scientific community, which is totally hidden from the public which most often is not tuned in to the truth.
Many so called “garage scientists”, they do a fantastic research but are excluded from those circles, and I know because I have witnessed many stories.
When MIT “found” the way to wirelessly charge a cell phone, in California one of our members was starting a motor of 300W to a distance of 15 feet.
MALVERN IS THE CHARGER FOR THE WIRELESS CAR, which wirelessly charges automobiles, and as a rule he sought that the car be above the system for charging.
LARGE FUNDS FOR LABS AND UNIVERSITIES are literally SPILLING MONEY, without giving any money to “garage scientists.”
I personally truly believe that people are born with talent, and that they are later promoted and that the idea is almost always born from an individual, not a large laboratory. Following these “garage scientists” and talented individuals is a standard practice not only in the US but across the world. A large number of those talented individuals get student visas to study in the US and large corporations provide them with green cards. So of course these individuals work for the interest of the corporations, without supporting their moral duty of the SCIENTIST and speaking the truth.
Al Gore who started the largest campaign on global warming and included a large number of “scientists”, showed that everything boils down to one new global tax which has been imposed by globalists on all countries of the world. There is still information on the internet from the very beginning of his campaign, see for yourselves and you will believe. A large fear was created with a topic on which people can’t make an impact because it is a global cycle, and not a explained Problem.
Belief in science institutions has been lost. The solution is that more give money for private individuals, and also to protect ideas which large laboratories later claim they started, because they received money from the government and corporation for their work.
We shall never be a part of, nor support, institutions which misuse creative minds and visionaries.