Tesla’s People Platform

The motive for creating a complex and ambitious Tesla’s People Project was identified by a number of problems that our Diaspora are confronted with and finding answers to important issues that are commonly related to our people in the motherland and diaspora.
How many Serbs are in the world? What is the number of successful Serbs in the world? Where are the Serbs good and why are they recognized in the communities they live in? Who are your successful Serbs in the world? Are they and in what way are they connected? Do they know about each other? Do they know each other and recognize themselves? Do Serbs know they are Serbs? Do they neglect Serbian customs? Do they know and preserve the Serbian tradition?
The Tesla People’s Platform is a general term for bringing together a set of services, tools, and software products to be developed by the Tesla Science Foundation, based in Philadelphia; independent supporters who can build their own applications and services that have access to the Tesla’s People Platform will be supported. The platform will offer a set of programming interfaces and tools that will allow independent developers to enjoy work. In the first phase, the version would be supported in Serbian and English, and later on, in other languages.
The Tesla People’s Platform is a logical solution to the problems mentioned above and providing answers to the questions raised in such a way that it will make it possible, in an original and interesting way, to connect our people in Diaspora. The platform should represent a powerful two-way communication channel, through which they would better understand, by consensus on constructive ideas and realization of the same, faster, more reliable, and better solutions to current problems, both in the diaspora and in the motherland.
The Tesla’s People Platform, through high-quality and affirmative essays on prominent and important representatives of Serbs and friends of the Serbian people in diasporas, documentary video materials, and other multimedia content, presented the true facts about the scope of Serbian intelligence in the diaspora and its influence on the global society. The accent would be placed on informing the peoples of Serbia about its historical role in the United States and the world, important historical cooperation between Serbia and the United States, as well as, Serbia and the world. By presenting such information, it is necessary to inform the Serbs and the international public about the quality of the Serbian people and its potential, to make our diaspora proud of its Serbian origin, and belonging to American society or the countries in which they live and participate, and to motivate it to take Serbian citizenship.
The Tesla People’s Platform is a valuable treasure, which is of great importance for the Serbs, due to authentic data on significant personalities, and prevents their works from being forgotten.